Our Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant
At HPAPP we are committed to promoting the progress and attainment of all our pupils, whatever their backgrounds. We commit to the Harris Federation’s equality and diversity statement which can be seen here.
The Pupil Premium is part of our overall budget that we receive annually. We are required to account specifically about how we use this fund. It is allocated based on the number of children meeting a national criteria based on the Ever 6 Measure. That includes the total number of:
- Pupils eligible for free school meals – within the last 6 years
- Children looked after
We used our funding to precisely target specific teaching and learning programmes or related activities.
We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils progress well and access high quality teaching and provision - every day. We carefully track the progress of all children, at least every half term, including our disadvantaged pupils in every class. The information is shared with all parents and carers via our half term reports detailing pupil progress, attainment and attendance. Tracking also enables us to evaluate the impact of our teaching and intervention programmes so we can adjust provision and tailor support. That way, we can make sure we are having the desired impact on pupils’ learning and progress.
Programmes are used across our Early Years, KS1 & KS2 to help identified children accelerate progress in their mathematics, reading, writing, speaking and listening.
1. Click here to view our proposed Pupil Premium Strategy for 2024-2025
2. Click here to view our Pupil Premium strategy for 2023-2024